[che noseeee!]
post dalla biblioteca...
sto (tanto per cambiare) studiando..."ma quanto studi F? sei proprio un bravo bambino!"
dira' qualcuno di voi (in realta' forse nessuno)...ma che bravo bambino! come al solito mi sono preso all'ultimizzzzzzzzimo momento, zio billy...
che balle...torno alle mie...
"1. In carrying out the obligations laid down in Article 6(3)
and Article 9(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC, the employer shall
assess and, if necessary, measure the levels of mechanical vibration
to which workers are exposed. Measurement shall be
carried out in accordance with Point 2 of Part A or Point 2 of
Part B of the Annex to this Directive, as appropriate.
2. The level of exposure to mechanical vibration may be
assessed by means of observation of specific working practices
and reference to relevant information on the probable magnitude
of the vibration corresponding to the equipment or the
types of equipment used in the particular conditions of use,
including such information provided by the manufacturer of
the equipment. That operation shall be distinguished from
measurement, which requires the use of specific apparatus and
appropriate methodology.
3. The assessment and measurement referred to in paragraph
1 shall be planned and carried out by competent services at
suitable intervals, taking particular account of the provisions of
Article 7 of Directive 89/391/EEC...."
sto (tanto per cambiare) studiando..."ma quanto studi F? sei proprio un bravo bambino!"
dira' qualcuno di voi (in realta' forse nessuno)...ma che bravo bambino! come al solito mi sono preso all'ultimizzzzzzzzimo momento, zio billy...
che balle...torno alle mie...
"1. In carrying out the obligations laid down in Article 6(3)
and Article 9(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC, the employer shall
assess and, if necessary, measure the levels of mechanical vibration
to which workers are exposed. Measurement shall be
carried out in accordance with Point 2 of Part A or Point 2 of
Part B of the Annex to this Directive, as appropriate.
2. The level of exposure to mechanical vibration may be
assessed by means of observation of specific working practices
and reference to relevant information on the probable magnitude
of the vibration corresponding to the equipment or the
types of equipment used in the particular conditions of use,
including such information provided by the manufacturer of
the equipment. That operation shall be distinguished from
measurement, which requires the use of specific apparatus and
appropriate methodology.
3. The assessment and measurement referred to in paragraph
1 shall be planned and carried out by competent services at
suitable intervals, taking particular account of the provisions of
Article 7 of Directive 89/391/EEC...."
:)))) fichissima questa cosa dei commenti anonimi...si possono quindi mettere liberamente pensieri,riflessioni,ingiurie,accuse,minacce...ottimo, bravo checco!!!
at 11:01 PM ,
ah per non registrarsi bisogna postare da anonimo...ora è chiaro...ci ho messo un po' ma alla fine ci sono anch'io.
Pero' da anonimo e' un po' triste...mmm vabbe'.
kecco, ho qui giabba che non sta più nella pellaccia per la tipa del sogno....forse (secondo me si) ha già cercato indizi in giro per la casa...spero tu non abbia lasciato in giro nulla di compromettente...... (a parte quel tanga giallo che ormai abbiamo visto tutti e sappiamo benissimo a chi appariene...)
at 11:03 PM ,
Kristone, anch'io non voglio farmi riconoscere come mmmm
at 11:03 PM ,
Kristone, anch'io non voglio farmi riconoscere come mmmm
at 11:06 PM ,
Kristone - adde - è incavolato perchè mmmm vabbè gli ha scucito 100 euri per i noti motivi......
Il sogno incuriosisce ma soprattutto commuove chi vorrebbe avere sempre un gran casino in casa, ma non si dica in giro..............
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